
Don't Buy The Polar Rs100 Heart Rate Monitor Until You Have Read This Review!

Don't Buy The Polar Rs100 Heart Rate Monitor Until You Have Read This Review!

Polar RS100 Heart Rate Monitor and Stopwatch Reviewed! When you know your heart rate and you can track your workouts you will be able to get a better workout by staying in your zone longer.?The Polar RS100 Heart Rate Monitor will give you the technology you need around your wrist to make sure you spend more time in that target workout zone.?This is a different zone for each individual person and that is why having a tool to help you know what your zone is becomes important. The heart rate monitor that comes in the Polar package is incredibly easy to use and very accurate.?You will be able to identify your zone and this will help you stay in that zone for the duration of your workout.?You will be able to get a more full workout, build more muscle, and burn more fat. Plus you will also have a stop watch and a regular every day watch with the Polar brand as well.?This means you do not have to have more than one tool considering you could just wear this as a regular watch and use it when working out as well. Let's take a look at all of the heart rate monitor features:?牋? * Backed by a 2-year warranty牋? * Improve your training with watch-style heart rate monitor with stopwatch functionality牋? * Calculates the amount of total exercise time spent in your personal target zone牋? * Monitor your intensity level to ensure you achieve the desired goal for each workout牋? * Comes with Polar T31 coded transmitter, which prevents interference from other nearby monitors There are better and more sophisticated heart rate monitors out there, but not for the price you can get this Polar RS100 for.?This is the top of the line for a price that you can afford and it will give you the tool you need to get the best possible workout. Let me show you what current owners have to say about it. L. Boling This heart rate monitor is my first, and is in the middle of my second marathon training season,garmin gps watch, and has gone with me to five half marathons. I bought it because of the dual timer. I started as a run walker and with two timers, it told me when to run and walk to take a walk break,armitron watches, and then got me back running again. I tuck the monitor underneath the bottom rim of my sports bra,movado mens watches, and occasionally it slips down a bit, but mostly the elastic strap, not the actual monitor. Review Paraphrased for Size -- View original Review Here

